Dear friend.
I wrote these books for you with endless love. I understand how difficult it is at your age to do things you do not want to do. Your wonderful childhood and adolescence are poisoned.

All of this leaves very bad consequences for the future. I want you to love everything around you. I want you to love your books and school the way you love your parents, relatives, friends, and games because they are very important for your future; especially your textbooks.

Because later you will find and read the book you want, but for that you have to value the book to find it. Both me and my children’s textbooks have mostly been unliked, though not all of them were bad.

There are always exceptions. There are very few who enjoy learning all the subjects. This is because they do not like the subjects, but they adapt due to force. As a result, they lose their face. Who needs faceless people? I have lived in this world for a long time. I was born in the last century, can you imagine? I learned and read what I loved.

Of course, this is not easy, but it is better than being pressured. I became so skilled that I started translating and writing my books for both schools and universities. If you want, you can find a short list of my works separately. I have written many articles and stories about language, literature, and talented people.

But I have always believed that the most important thing is to write for you. Pay attention to every letter, word and sentence in my books. Pay attention to the design elements, the colors, shapes, and the meaning behind what is written.

Everything has a purpose, nothing is accidental; you will understand. You will be filled with the priceless high quality that will become a powerful weapon in your life against all the viruses and evil in this crazy world. You will be strong and relentless, because these books will help you find your individuality.

A person who knows who they are, what they want, and knows how to achieve their goals, knows the secret to true happiness. It’s the key to eternity.